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About Mooshie

Hello there, this is Mooshie.

I was rescued on a cold frigid night while scavenging for food in a back alley. My humans tricked me with some tuna in a trap, and long story short, that was my luckiest day!

I now live happily with my 2 rescued furry brothers and a furry sister. I had two other brothers, Fufu and James, who sadly got their angel wings too early in life and are in kitty heaven. I think about them all the time. They were my best buddies.

Well, going back to me, since this is all about MEow. I am always the first in line during mealtime and I purposely ‘meow’ the loudest to get the most attention. My humans think I was a dog in my previous life because I love to play with dog toys, fetch, socialize with humans and love watching kitties on TV.

My big purrrsonality inspired my humans to create Mooshiepets.com. It’s a happy place for all pet parents to shop for the coolest eco-friendly toys, healthiest treats, and natural and organic supplements.

Itโ€™s true what the sign at the vetโ€™s office says: โ€˜Cats are like potato chips, you canโ€™t just have oneโ€™. I do wish sometimes I were the only ‘potato chip’.

Meow meow!


CMO (Chief Meow Officer)